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Going to New York City!

New York is the largest city in the United States and is also one of the most populous cities in the world. It is not, as many believe, the capital of the United States - and not the state that bears his name. But it is undoubtedly the country of culture, communication, business, finance, occupying a leading position in the fields of politics, education, industry, commerce and transport .The international stature of the Big Apple was recognized after World War II, when she was chosen to host the headquarters of United Nations headquarters.
The metropolitan New York is comprised of five boroughs: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens an Staten Island for a total of approximately 800 square kilometers.

The Bronx is the northernmost neighborhood and only found on land, has 1.4 million inhabitants and has a reputation for violence in its most south. Founded by a Danish immigrant, Johannes Bronck, the Bronx has a rich Italian heritage, magnificent botanical gardens, homes of writers Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain, and for baseball fans, leYankee Stadium.

Brooklyn, on the western tip of Long Island, became the first suburb of New York when it was annexed to the city in 1898. With over 2.5 million people - 1 million more than Manhattan - Brooklyn still has cobblestone streets and ancient buildings and about 600 offers a spectacular view of Manhattan.

New York
Queens, named in honor of the wife of King Charles II of England, is hosting the international airport JF Kennedy.Les New Yorkers tend to find it monotonous but Queensa a lively Greek community - the largest outside of Greece - and a district south American and movie studios flourishing.

Staten Island is connected to the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Brooklynpar a length of 1298 meters. But most visitors are accessed by boat from Manhattanpour enjoy the magnificent view of the skyscrapers and the Statue della Libertà.

Manhattan is where most visitors spend the most time. There are the famous skyscrapers, museums, theaters Broadwayet places made famous through hundreds of films.
Once the standard of living in New York improves to the late 18th century, immigrants began arriving ever greater numbers, bringing with them new ideas and new hopes. Germans and Irish were the first to arrive in large numbers, followed by Italians and by refugees povenance of Eastern Europe, including many Jews. In 1884 immigrants from the Middle and Far East are also beginning to arrive.

Each group of newcomers settled mostly with his compatriots and the town soon had distinct ethnic communities: Chinatown and Little Italyles Jews on the Lower East Side, Yorkville German. This is a process that has largely continued until today: African Americans in Harlem Greeks in Astoria, Puerto Ricans in the South Bronx, the Arabs on Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn and the Indians (not Native Americans) in the southern part of Manhattan.
Each ethnic group had a significant impact on the city and its cultural development. Music, variety, big Broadway musicals, theater, dance, film, art and architecture have participated in the birth of a culture not only uniquely American, but also feature New York.

The skyline of New York has changed drastically since the attacks of September 11, 2001, which destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The visitors still continue to experience strong emotions when they recognize the places that are familiar, although they have seen only on television: the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Tiffany's Bridge Ponte di Brooklyn.

"Here There's always something happening. If you're bored in New York, it's only your fault "


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