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How are the living conditions in NYC?

I am only in High school,however want to live in NYC so bad! I LOVE It there! I love the crowds, you are NEVER bored, it may be expensive, but I think with the right deals and money saving tips you could have a great shot at living there. What is your take? Do you think in 6 years (When I am out of college and such) The job market will be better and NYC will not be as expensive. I know it always will be expensive, but I love it there. I love walking down time square and seeing that half-naked cowboy that runs around playing his guitar, Last time I was there I saw Elmo and Cookie Monster giving out free hugs! I think it is the best place to live. What are your takes on the city? Any advice would be appreciated.

Well, this question is asked often. If you scrolled down a bit, you would have found many people asking that same question.

Living in NYC is great. I love Manhattan and wouldn't live anywhere else! I understand that your view of New York is of one who is a tourist... You should know that I never go to Times Square. I feel that it is a place for tourists, there aren't many good restaurants around, and it is too crowded.

I did not understand just how expensive New York really is until I moved here. I will be honest with you... This is the most expensive city to live in in the US. If you want to live in Manhattan, be ready to have long, hard studies in order to have a proper career.

My husband and I both have studied and got masters (I have one masters, he has two). We worked very hard in university, BEYOND a bachelors degree, and we our summers working on internships, in order to have the life that we have. We have combined salaries of around $200,000 after taxes, and we really are limited in where we can live in Manhattan. Obviously, we are still in our 20s and that will change, but you cannot come to NY thinking you'll find "good deals" on rent and save money. I just want to be realistic with you.

If you are absolutely set on living in New York, work hard in school, study something profitable (none of that psychology rubbish) and get a masters. You will want a salary of $100,000 MINIMUM to be able to live here.

Good luck!

New Yorker


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